Volunteer information

The Gisborne Gazette is run by volunteers and there is always room for more generous people to assist with the production and distribution of the paper.


More than 100 volunteers deliver the paper to the letterboxes of their neighbours in Gisborne, Macedon, Mount Macedon and New Gisborne each month. In addition volunteers deliver bundles of papers to central points in the local area and top these up over the month.

If you would like to offer your services as a distributor, please contact our distribution manager Maxine at maxineandpeter@bigpond.com.


8,500 copies of the Gazette are delivered by our printers to the GREAT Centre on the final Tuesday or first Tuesday of the month (except December). A group of volunteers gathers there to count the papers into bundles and then they deliver the bundles to the distributors. This task takes about an hour.

If you would like to help in this role, please contact Maxine at maxineandpeter@bigpond.com.


We encourage local groups to assign a Gazette reporter to provide regular club reports for the paper. To become a club reporter please contact the editor at gisbornegazetteeditor@gmail.com.

The Gazette also includes a number of columns from local experts and feature articles on aspects of the local community. If you are interested in helping in this area contact the editor at gisbornegazetteeditor@gmail.com. For more information on contributing articles to the Gazette refer to the Contributor Information page.

Editing and production

If you are interested in helping edit or produce the Gazette contact the editor at gisbornegazetteeditor@gmail.com.


If you would be interested in helping organise the advertising in the Gazette email gisbornegazetteadvertising@gmail.com